Friday, October 1, 2010

Differences between the brains of males and females

Article: Are there differences between the brains of males and females
by Renato M.E. Sabbatini

The author holds an essentialist view in this article in which he tried to use science to explain the reasons for the differences between men and women. He explained that the reason why some females appear more masculine than others is due to the higher levels of testosterone they were exposed to in their mother's womb.This resulted in them being more aggressive, an characteristic of boys.

He also shared a research which shows that women process verbal language using both sides of their brain while men process language using only one side. Furthermore, he also shared that in the women's brains, they have a larger tract of neural fibre which connect both brain hemispheres as compared to men. This is probably the explanation of the common saying- women's brains are like spaghetti while men's brains are boxes. This can be used why some women might find it hard to communicate with men as men compartmentalise their thoughts while women link all the scenarios together.

In addition, the author also provided another study that shows that the fontal an temporal lobes are significantly larger in women as compared to men. The frontal and temporal lobes are related to language. Thus, it is not surprising to hear that women are better in language as compared to men.

I find this article credible as it consists of many case studies and experiments to support the writer's view. The writer seems to be rather balanced in his argument and refrain making sweeping statements.

1 comment:

  1. well, there may be physical differences in the brains of men and women but that does not necessarily translate directly to different behaviors or language use, in my opinion. We need to think carefully of the implications of such research.
